Archive for December, 2015

Alignment Solutions Newsletter: 3 Techniques for Enabling Personal and Professional Growth

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

3 Techniques for Enabling Personal
and Professional Growth

Alignment solution: De-cluttering your life creates the space necessary for personal and professional growth. 

Personal and professional growth requires us to go outside our comfort zones. Yet many people can’t begin to test their boundaries because their lives are filled with time-consuming “stuff.” Here are three techniques that can help create the space necessary for your growth by de-cluttering your life.

Technique #1: Reflect on this statement: “Sometimes we need to let go of the good things in life to make room for the great things.”

Though I don’t know who originally made this statement, a colleague shared it with me years ago when I was considering a career change. Hesitant to move forward into the uncertainty of starting my own business, I was clinging to the security of my tenured university professor position because I truly enjoyed teaching, even though I knew it was time for me to move on. This advice helped me to make that transition, and since then, to make positive changes in other aspects of my life.

Try it: Imagine what great things might be in store for you once you make the space for them! Even when you’re not sure what they are, release one “good thing” and see what happens.

Technique #2: Ask yourself this question: “Does this [person, belief, activity, assumption, thing] still serve me well?” If the answer is “No,” release it.
Consciously or not, most human beings are collectors – of people, beliefs, assumptions, material goods. We tend to accumulate more and more “stuff” without periodically questioning whether we still want or need it. Our lives become unnecessarily cluttered. No wonder we feel overburdened!

Try it: Ask yourself the above question, inserting one word or name at a time. Answe truthfully. Repeat often. When the answer is “No,” release whatever or whomever nolonger serves you well.

Technique #3: Ask yourself this question: “Am I the only person in the world who can do this [task at hand]?” If the answer is “No,” delegate it!
There are many reasons why we tend to do things ourselves rather than delegate them. Sometimes it’s force of habit, or a means of procrastination. Sometimes we believe (falsely) that no one could do the task better or faster than we can. The list of excuses stretches on while we wonder why we don’t have any time to do the things we care about.

Try it: If you have trouble delegating tasks, change your mindset. Think of delegating as an opportunity to let others shine. For every task you don’t like, or aren’t that good at, or aren’t interested in, there are people who would jump at the chance to do it. Why not let them engage their interests, skills, talents, or abilities? You would be doing yourself and them a huge favor.

When we choose to stick with what we know, take on more than is necessary, and/or hold onto people or things that no longer serve us well, our growth is stunted and our quality of life suffers. Try any one of these three techniques today. You will discover that de-cluttering your life enhances its quality tremendously by enabling your personal and professional growth.

Best wishes for a year filled with great things!

To find articles and resources that may be of value to you, I invite you to visit my web site at and my blog at

Alignment Solutions is a concise, bi-weekly newsletter written specifically to help organizational leaders optimize their business results. Your e-mail address is never shared with anyone for any reason. You may unsubscribe by clicking the link on the bottom of this e-mail.

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© 2015 Pat Lynch. All rights reserved.

Alignment Solutions Newsletter: How to Re-set Unrealistic Workplace Expectations

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

How to Re-set Unrealistic
Workplace Expectations

Alignment solution: You can set yourself and others up for success by re-setting unrealistic workplace expectations.

Unrealistic expectations have widespread negative repercussions in the workplace. They establish impossible standards that even high achievers who are consummate problem-solvers cannot meet. Yet people try anyway, often to their own and others’ detriment.

Employees trying to meet impossible standards may take short-cuts or give up altogether. As a result, morale drops, self-confidence plummets, resentment grows, trust (in oneself and each other) is eroded, and people begin to question their own competency. Stress increases when employees perceive that even heroic efforts are not good enough.

To re-set unrealistic expectations, there are two audiences you must address: yourself and your employees. Some actions to counter unrealistic expectations are common to both groups:

  1. Set reasonable expectations and standards up front.
  2. Quickly re-set impracticable expectations as they arise.
  3. De-bunk “facts” that reflect an altered reality.

Here are some audience-specific actions you can take to re-set unrealistic expectations:


  1. Develop a realistic mindset. Recognize and own the fact that you cannot do everything. Model that mindset through your language and your decisions.
  2. Distinguish clearly between what you can control and what you can’t. Focus on the former and release the latter. Teach others to do the same.
  3. Set reasonable goals for yourself – i.e., those that are attainable even though they may cause you to stretch.
  4. Resist the temptation to maintain a dual standard: an unrealistic one for yourself and another, realistic one for everyone else. People believe what you DO, not what you say. If you set yourself up for failure, you’re also doing so for others.


  1. Establish a culture of resiliency that allows for “failure” and embraces mistakes as learning opportunities. Define “failure” as something other than an imperfect outcome.
  2. De-bunk the notion that 100% success is possible. Convey the message that not all projects or customer interactions will go perfectly despite everyone’s best efforts Replace this fallacy with the expectation that everyone will do everything possible within reason.
  3. When mistakes are made, have employees identify what they learned and how they can apply that knowledge in the future.
  4. When employees beat themselves up over a project or customer interaction that went badly, help them re-set their perceptions so they can remember what they did well, and the lessons they learned.

You can set yourself and others up for success by establishing realistic expectations and by consistently challenging those that are not. The workplace can be a stressful environment. Don’t make your and others’ jobs harder than necessary by setting, or allowing to others to create, impossible standards.

To find other articles and resources that may be of value to you, I invite you to visit my web site at and my blog at

Alignment Solutions is a concise, bi-weekly newsletter written specifically to help organizational leaders optimize their business results. Your e-mail address is never shared with anyone for any reason. You may unsubscribe by clicking the link on the bottom of this e-mail.

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© 2015 Pat Lynch. All rights reserved.